For our last day in Siem Reap Von picked us up at a more reasonable hour….7.30am. We have been trying to get get up and out early before the heat reaches its peak, then having some time in the air con before heading back out in the evening.
Von took us much further afield today, we saw two two temples and then got to climb up a mountain (Von’s words, was quite like climbing Dartmoor!).
The first temple was called Pre Rup, it was in a large red stone/clay style.
The second temple was Banteay Srei, this was undergoing a lot of restoration work where they were trying to preserve the structure.
We then went on to Phnom Kulen national park where we walked up a steep 1.5k rocky hill to the top where there were waterfalls. We were told by Von that it was rough terrain, however that didn’t stop the local school children running up the hill passed us in flip flops!!!
In one of the waterfalls there were cavings of the Buddha on the rocks and trees that had become so entwined that they formed seats.
We then had a 1.5 hour journey back to Siem Reap. In the evening we headed out for some dinner at one of the local restaurants. We then had a look around the local market where Debbie got a scarf and a henna tattoo by one of the local women. We then went on to have $4 foot/leg massages.
What has become so apparent on our trip here is how much the locals are missing the tourism. Covid and the war in Ukraine and subsequent fuel/flight price increases have really affected this community. Von advised us he was thankful for work as there were very few tourists coming to Cambodia at the moment. This was obvious in the restaurants which when Mark visited just over 10 years were a busy, chaotic and lively happy place. Now, however they are quiet, everyone is desperate for business, offering their services on every street. It is terribly sad and in this previous hun where people thrived on the haggle for buying souvenirs, now you pay what is asked so these mums and dads can feed their children and make ends meet. Siem Reap is truly a wonderful place and we strongly encourage anyone who is considering a visit to book a visit now!!